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Three tremendous scriptures cover aspects of the return of Christ. This episode will explain how the gathering described in Matthew 24:27-31 fits into the timeline with 1 Thessalonians 4 and Revelation 19.

Can you explain what the Kingdom of God is? Are you sure? Jesus, Paul and the Old Testament prophets preached and taught it. This episode will give a brief overview and enable you to be strengthened and inspired, knowing more about the blessings you will inherit when the kingdom comes.

Christians have a special power to endure what we face in life today and will face in the last days. Jesus had it. This endurance also produces wonderful qualities within us and is pleasing to God.

2 Thessalonians 1:7-8 says the church will be granted relief when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels. Where does this fall in the end-times timeline? Does anyone really think the final 7-year “tribulation period” starts with flaming fire?

The Bible says certain signs and events will occur first.  We must be firmly rooted in what the Bible gives us to know.



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