End Times Course

Welcome and introduction to the topic of Eschatology, the study of end-times prophecy in the Bible.  It includes a video clip from The Maranatha Conference the Golan Heights in Israel, near the border of Syria and Lebanon. 

Daniel is one of the most important books in the Bible on end-times prophecy.  As a youngster, he was carried away in the Babylonian Captivity and was an important government minister under Nebuchadnezzar, Darius and Cyrus.  He led a life of exemplary devotion to the God of Israel

Daniel 9 Prayer

Episode 3

Daniel confesses the sins of Israel and prays for God to bring to pass what the prophet Jeremiah had said about the end of the Babylonian Captivity and rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem after 70 years.  It is a powerful prayer for God to bring His will to pass.

This section of scripture is the foundation which must be understood to study end-times prophecy. The angel Gabriel comes to answer Daniel’s prayer and to tell him about the 70 weeks of years for the LORD God to fulfill is His plan to restore Israel.  During the first 7 sevens, the Temple in Jerusalem will […]

The 70th Week of Daniel is seven years at the end of this age.  It begins when the antichrist affirms a covenant with Israel.  First he rises to power deceiving all the world. In the middle of the seven years, he commits the abomination of desolation.  At the end, he is destroyed at the Return […]

The Tribulation

Episode 6

Did you know the Bible never calls the 70th Week of Daniel “The Tribulation”?  All Christians are to be patient in tribulation. It will intensify during the 70th Week and “the great tribulation” starts at the mid-point, the “abomination of desolation”. After that great tribulation comes the great signs in the sun, moon and stars […]

The Day of the LORD (YHWH) is a major theme in the Old Testament prophets.  It is the time that God’s Wrath is poured out on the earth.  Contrary to popular belief, it is not the entire 70th Week of Daniel.  Jesus, Peter, Paul and John revealed to the church when it will begin and […]

The Rapture or Gathering Together is described in 1 Thessalonian 4 and 1 Corinthians 15.  Grace energizes and enables good works.  We appear before the judgement seat of Christ to receive what we have done.

The Dispensationalists in the 1800’s realized that the Bible talks about different ages, dispensations or administrations.  The church age is now, between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel.  Christ comes for his church at the Rapture.  We will reign with him on earth during his 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom. When does the Rapture occur?  Erroneous […]

“Pretribulationism” is the widely accepted teaching that the Rapture is before the 70th Week of Daniel, which they call “The Tribulation”.  What comprises “The Great Mystery” that Paul writes in Ephesians 3?  How the “Pre-wrath” view differs from the “Pre-trib” view. How are God’s promises to the nation of Israel intertwined with the church?

Jesus Christ’s sermon on the Mt. of Olives about the signs of the end in Matthew 24 tells us there will be the greatest deception and tribulation ever in Israel. In what ways is he talking to the Church?

2 Thessalonians 2

Episode 12

Paul writes about the Day of the LORD, the antichrist, the apostasy and the restrainer. This chapter fits perfectly with what we learned from Daniel, Jesus’s Olivet Discourse and Revelation. (Watch episodes 5 and 11 first)

Revelation chapter 4 shows the LORD God upon the throne, the four living creatures and the 24 elders. Who or what are they? Chapter 5 introduces the Lamb. His love and death on the cross made him the one who is worthy to open the scroll. What is this scroll?

The first four seals are sometimes called “the four horsemen of the apocalypse”. Even as the antichrist comes to power there is chaos and terrible conditions upon the earth. The Lamb opens the seals and God is ultimately in control.

The fifth seal corresponds to the great tribulation which Jesus foretold where many saints will be martyrs. The sixth seal is the cosmic disturbances, of which so many prophets spoke, that introduces the Day of the LORD. Where is the church in all of this? When is the rapture?

The Real Israel

Episode 16

For 18 centuries after 70 AD, it was almost impossible to imagine that the nation of Israel would literally exist again. How does what is going on now match up with the prophecies in scripture? What happens between now and when Israel’s Messiah returns? How is the church connected to this?

Jesus tell us to watch for no one knows the day or hour and tells parables about his return. Exactly who is he talking to? What signs should we expect? What does the church need to do to be ready?

Oil in Your Lamp

Episode 18

More parables from Jesus about the stark difference between those who are ready and those who are not… like the days of Noah, virgins and their lamps, the talents, sheep and goats. What signs does he talk about? To whom is he speaking? How should the church apply these?

The Rapture is described here. It ushers in the Day of the LORD. Words and phrases like “parousia” “times and seasons”, “thief in the night”, “labor pains” and the command to “watch” connects this to what the prophets said and what Jesus said. (For more background you can review episodes 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, […]

The amazing story in Daniel 2 reveals Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the interpretation of the future kingdoms. The fourth kingdom is not Rome, but the Islamic empire that covered the areas of the other empires. The antichrist will lead a revival of that empire, which Messiah will topple. This is the foundation for understanding Daniel’s other […]

Daniel 7 expands upon the vision of the statue in chapter 2. There is more revelation about the antichrist, the little horn, and the triumph of the kingdom of God. We are introduced to the heavenly court in judgment and to the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven. (Sorry that microphone issues […]

Gabriel tells Daniel the interpretation of this vision of the ram and the goat and what is in store for Israel with the rise of antichrist as a little horn coming from the Seleucid empire. Cunning, deceit and destruction will be his hallmarks and he will throw truth to the ground until he is destroyed.

Daniel fills in the plot of the entire Bible. Covers some high points of future prophecies in Daniel 10, 11, 12. More about how to view the coming kingdom of God on earth. Antichrist is a future offshoot of the “king of the north”, which indicates an Islamic caliphate revival, not a Roman Empire revival. […]

Amazing prophecies of Ezekiel on the watchman, bad and good shepherds and the dry bones living. He keeps describing the future blessings due to their election as a nation. Israel is prosperous now, but an invasion is coming, the last onslaught before God fulfills is covenant promises to have His law and spirit in their […]

Ezekiel 38 & 39 describe the invasions of Gog from Magog. This is a Turkey/Iran invasion, not the Russia/Iran invasion many Bible teachers say it is. Gog is shown to be the antichrist, the little horn, the Assyrian, the Mideast Beast and the battle here is Armageddon. The LORD God delivers Israel and brings her […]

Messiah Jesus will begin establishing his reign over the earth and healing it from the destruction of the antichrist and the wrath. Church saints reign with him. The devil is imprisoned and cannot deceive. Israel is blessed beyond measure. This episode brings the initial teaching course of Finish Faithful to a close. Thank you for […]

The Bible says certain signs and events will occur first.  We must be firmly rooted in what the Bible gives us to know.



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