Ezekiel 33 is the famous chapter about the watchman, telling him to warn Israel to repent. If the watchman sees the danger coming and warns the people, their blood is on their own head. If he does not warn the people, their blood is on the watchman’s head. John the Baptist and Jesus called out to Israel, “repent, the kingdom of God is at hand”. Israel did not heed the message and look what happened. Now, the stage is set. The kingdom is at hand. We don’t know exactly when, but we see it coming. We need to proclaim it. It is not a message of fear, it is a message of mercy and rescue. “As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live…” Ezek 33:11.

The Bible says certain signs and events will occur first. We must be firmly rooted in what the Bible gives us to know.
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